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Single Origin

Guatemala Lorenzo Ramirez Ramirez

Guatemala Lorenzo Ramirez Ramirez

Milk chocolate, Stone Fruit, Orange Blossom

Regular price $20.00
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1906 Meters


Lorenzo Ramirez Ramirez


  • Guatemala


Bourbon, Caturra, Catimor



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About this Coffee

This coffee comes to us from Lorenzo Ramirez Ramirez of the CODECH Cooperative in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. CODECH is a Fair Trade, Organic cooperative comprised of roughly 500 producers. Originally this co-op only sold full lots of coffee where producers lots were blended together and sold more generically. In 2009 CODECH started a micro-lot program by classifying producers according to the elevations of their farms, and in 2012 our coffee partner, Atlas Importers, helped them organize their very first internal cupping competition that now is an annual event. The idea of this event is to highlight the producers of CODECH who are growing the very best coffees, connecting them with roasters, and rewarding them with quality premiums on their coffee through the competition. Evans Brothers was first invited to this event in 2019 as a quality judge in the competition, and we have been participating ever since.

This particular coffee from Lorenzo Ramirez Ramirez was 7th place in this year's competition, which is quite an achievement from over 600 producers! Flavor notes from Lorenzo’s coffee in the competition included blackberry, stone fruit, milk chocolate, orange blossom, lemongrass, cola, and hops. We loved it for the milk chocolate, stone fruit, and orange blossom flavors.